Monday, November 17, 2008

Excerpts - emo much?

He never told me I could ever achieve anything someday, and yet, I know he holds some blind hope that someday, I will.

I had such a big birthday cake for my third birthday; I must have been their pride and joy. A parent's love cannot be measured by the size of a birthday cake, that I know. But am I still their pride and joy? Long ago, I was their pride and joy because of who I was. Now, I can only make them proud and happy after an achievement of some sort.

I say this, as a atter of fact, and because I am envious of the attention he has for his passion. Men and women are driven by their passions, is that not whta life is all about? - thank you for showing me what hypocrisy is all about. gee.

There are flaws in every single one of us out here. For some, they are revealed so quickly you'd immediately be able to point out what their weaknesses are and as for the others, it just takes a longer time to realize what they are. I think I've just seen some flaws in a certain someone whom I thought was perfect; the very someone I love so deeply. I'm sure he's seen the flaws in me too; the green-eye monster at work. But heck, I'm embracing them all and loving him all the same. Seriously?!

I waited for him at Citylink since 10.00 a.m. One hour's gone by and I just sat there waiting, started to wonder if something's happened to his mobile, or him. Turned out he was fast asleep at home until he finally picked up my call one hour later. I was disappointed by how he could treat me so sloppily sometimes, I'm his girlfriend for goodness' sake! I bet he doesn't even treat his friends this way. But then again, I guess marking papers can be really tiring. - now this was me trying to come up with excuses to cover the fact that he was an asshole.

Reading old journal entries sure brought back lots of memories (not saying good or bad).

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...