Wednesday, April 1, 2009


windsurfing bros & sis; just a small part

Every Tuesday night (for the past few weeks), the windsurfers gather and have dinner at one of the canteens around school. Tonight was a little special, instead of the usual canteen dinners, we had steamboat at my hall's tv lounge.

After which, we headed down to The Sun for some Ben&Jerry loving (okay it was my craving seriously), formed the circle of trust and I learnt quite a few tricks that guys use to xian zhar bos. It was hilarious, sharing snippets of our secondary school lives, talking about nothing but the tips the guys exchanged, about "keeping your cards hidden before the big show hand" and some more stuff like that, just made me scoff at the idea of love even more. Sometimes, it's a bad idea to get too chummy with friends of the opposite sex (what's more, such a big group of them); all guys automatically turn into less-than-civil asstards la.

That said, it was still fun nonetheless, & I think we should do it again sometime soon!

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...