Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lenas; Shiqi's belated dinner.

Yh brought us to this cozy corner just beside Fish and Co. in Bugis for dinner. Lenas' a new Italian-American eatery that's also managed by the same people from MOF.

Prices can be considered mid-range, and the items that we ordered didn't taste too bad either. Not too bad = not fantastic, but passable. Okay, I'm totally not helping with my vague description but I can't help if I'm not fussy about my food! I usually only have three things to say about food: VERY GOOD, VERY BAD... and everything else in between falls under "Not bad".

The Bruschetta was toasted crisp and I liked that; not so sure if that's the authentic Italian standards though. Pizza's thin-crust, I liked that too. Oh, and the dessert was a pan of hot, sticky, fudgy, brownie, chocolatey and marshmallow, gooey goodness.

Short and sweet, that was it. I had a good time chatting with the 2 of them, thank you for agreeing to meet girls!


Anonymous said...

hi, what camera did u use for your shots? they looked great!

aj said...

i'm using a canon g10 for most of my shots, post-processed a little with the canon programme that came with the kit. glad you like them! :)

It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...