Tuesday, May 29, 2012

some bad/weird habits

In the midst of my idling (having mixed feelings about it ending in slightly less than a month's time), I thought up a list of my bad/weird habits that could/might have annoyed you or seemed strange at any particular point in time.

#1 Avoiding people's gaze when I talk to them
I have this really annoying habit of not really looking at people in their eyes when I talk to them although over time, I came to realize that this happens mainly with strangers. And usually only when we're passing each other for a fleeting moment; e.g. when I say "thank you" to the cashier or someone who held the door for me, or "sorry" when I bump into people on the streets. It doesn't mean that I'm any less thankful or sorry for either situation when they happen (though people can't really be bothered with what I say to them), it's just that sometimes, words just come out of my mouth too quickly - way before I can look up at the strangers. These days, I'm making a conscious effort to look up more often before opening my mouth to utter anything.

Oh I have to state that this only applies to strangers.
I'm quite the 'starer' when it comes to conversations with friends because there's so much more time to spare. If you think I'm staring a little too hard and long some day and it's making you uncomfortable, do let me know!

#2 Picking out raw scallions/parsley/coriander from my food
Bad, bad habit that not only wastes my time, but also the time of others who try to help me in picking them out. I'm not known to be a fussy eater (quite the contrary in fact) but if there's something that I do not like having in my food, it's all the above that I've just named. I can't decide what is it that I dislike more; the repulsive and pungent tastes of them and how they linger in my mouth for sometime after accidentally biting into one or their crunchy textures. Or maybe it's a combination of both.

In the formative years, grandma/mum used to tell me that I would be 聰明 (i.e. clever/smart) after I eat my 蔥s (just because 聰 and 蔥 are homophones). Of course I didn't buy it - I couldn't bear the taste of their icky juices oozing onto my taste buds whenever my jaws crunched into one as a result of my negligence. I would retch and hurry to the bin to empty the contents in my mouth. Every single time.

These days, I don't try not to retch that much anymore. Instead, I think "oh shit!" in my head when I have to chew on a big juicy piece of those icky things. Yuck!

#3 Hiding under the blanket with one leg exposed
It feels too warm if I go completely under my blankie (head out though), and too cold if I expose too much of myself so this is the best option that I've discovered for myself.

People just don't understand this :(

#4 "Really meh?"
There are a few phrases that I always use in conversations out of (bad) habit; and I've probably pissed a lot of people with them. "Really meh?" is one of them. YF feedbacked that there's some sort of a condescending-sarcastic-unbelieving-accusing tone to my "really mehs", and it gets him angry and defensive all the time when I use it on him. For the record, there's no sarcasm intended; only a hell lot of surprise and a teeny bit of skepticism. Most of the time anyway.

#5 "Huh you never ______ (verb) ______ (noun) before?"
Another something that I would utter before I can stop myself. Again, it's more of surprise than anything else, though it usually comes across as condescending.

And that should be about it for some of the my more annoying observable habits; trying to kick them away by becoming more self aware (first). Will update this very short list when the time comes!

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