Friday, August 3, 2012

Burst into uncontrollable laughter when Mumsy showed me an article in Wanbao earlier tonight, about a man convulsing and puking uncontrollably onboard a plane after getting a whiff of some pungent durians brought onboard by another passenger. No passenger would admit that s/he was the one who brought the durians up and that poor sock had to confine himself to puking in the tiny toilet cubicle moments after the flight took off, for the rest of the 3-4 hour (not too sure bout the duration actually) flight.

It wasn't that funny until I started imagining how comical it would be if that happened to YF too.
Not exactly the best sister around, if you don't already know by now...

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...