It's been a good 2 months since the last update.
There's been a couple of changes in my life since, both good and bad.
Let's start with the good.
When I titled the last entry as "The month of Two",
I sort of meant it in a literal way.
By welcoming the month of Feb as part of a duo.
I haven't thought it'd be anytime soon that I got hitched so quickly
but things happen, and yeah, I did.
My prior incessant worrying
(e.g. what if I can't get used to having a boyfriend again?
or what if I can't get used to holding someone's hands once more?)
had been uncalled for (phew...),
because I've been having quite a wonderful time so far.
Many thanks to le bf, of course,
who's nothing but accommodating
and encouraging towards me,
as work has been piling up sneakily behind me
like an unwelcome ninja.
Which brings me to the bad.
Work got hectic.
Or maybe of course,
I could just have serious time management issues.
Things become alright for awhile after roughing some days out,
but I find myself struggling to stay afloat not too long after.
I hope I'm not just hopping onto the "busy bandwagon"
for the sake of appearing like I have important things to do
like what many others are doing.
This has got to get better.
I mean, I don't want to go on getting just a few hours' worth of sleep nightly on weekdays.
Before it gets better though, work's made me
appreciate the weekends so much more these days.
I can't wait to meet up with le friends and bf
over the weekends for a nice catching up mostly,
over the weekends for a nice catching up mostly,
And also, not forgetting,
my daily lunches packed lovingly by Mumsy.
Alright. No more whinging.
I look forward to sharing interesting things that's been happening
at work more regularly!
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