Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dad is cool, but he was way cooler once upon a time.

does the grass look greener on the other side to you? it sure looks greener for me

Today, I learnt from Yifeng that Dad had the thought of moving out of Singapore some 20-30 years ago. Mum told him about it some days back; and he told me today when I said I wanted to move out of Singapore when my bond ends in 6+ years' time. I was surprised when Yifeng told me that; Dad's like the first person who comes to mind when I think about people who do not like to get out of their comfort zones. I guess he probably had that thought when he first started his sailing days, when his mind was still fresh from apprenticeship and the sights and sounds of the world were strange and foreign to him. Now that he's almost seen it all (that's what he believes, I think), I suppose all he wants is to stay within his comfort zone; his cozy little corner in the balcony, smoking his ciggie and reading the papers everyday. I'm glad his happy where he is right now, but I wish that he'd never given up on that thought of moving away.

Anyhow, now that I know Dad had the thought of moving out of Singapore once upon a time, I'm hoping that it won't be too difficult for me to convince him to let me do so in the future. Ho ho.

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