Sunday, October 18, 2009

The one place I wouldn't mind going over (and over and over and over...) again.

Some days, I wish I can travel back in time; back to some of the best days of my life. If only life is a video-recorder; we can record some of the best moments that we have, and at a later point in time, all we have to do is just press the rewind button and then press play to playback. Sure, there's all that photographic evidence... but photographs are really in a different category by themselves, they don't exactly allow you to relive the moments in transition; you have to piece them together piece-by-piece.

And in spite of what I've just ranted on about, I'm still thankful beyond words that I have these pictures with me.

It wasn't just about the island; it was the island, the yacht, the experiences, and the people combined all in one.

Those were the best days of my life.


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! where's that! :D

And Gilda not going to clean the room this weekend! :( So we're left with a floor with lots of my hair on the floor. I'll clean it up when I get back on Tues since I'm the culprit! lols!


aj said...

hahaha for a moment I was thinking who's Gera. Okay we can clean the room together; surely got my short hair also one la haha. You can sweep the floor and I can wipe the fan.

Anyway, it's an Indonesian island in the South China Sea. Bestest expedition I've been on.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh yeah! Looks good! Every time you tell me about your trips, I feel like I've always been in my shell and have never seen the world out there! haha!

And I'm officially your blog stalker. HAHAHA. Good enough, your blog's entertaining cuz it's always updated when I visit. haha!

Okay! seeyou on Tuesday! :)


It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...