Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shitty Friday but life goes on.

Today's been the worst day of the week, month and possibly year even; I cried and sobbed really badly because of some really silly issues (who's the silly one now?). But, life goes on, and this, hopefully also will mean that things can't possibly get any worse. Right?

Just some random updates of the week now. School's been great in general; I had Sakae with Aud, Xuanie and Rong for lunch some few days back and we made quite a din when all of us were laughing at the colour-swapped pictures we took.

aud.xuanie; with chio pink hair.

tanned and fair; big, big contrast.

Lectures and tutorials have been great mainly because I've been hanging about with them girls so much this semester. Thank you all for saving seats for me during lectures, putting up with my not-so-funny jokes and printing lecture notes for me. Really appreciate everything a lot!

That apart, after dinner with Jol-B last night, I bought 3 pairs of new shoes for Chinese New Year (and school) and I'm really happy with them! Got a pair of heels from c&k, loafers from Mondo to replace the pair that I've just thrown away, and a pair of white & brown sandals (from Mondo as well).

my 'fake' loafers.
this design has been around for the longest time, but I think they're comfy and good to stay anyway.

my初一heels. fits snugly, and I'm praying that they won't take forever to break in.

That's all for my shoe-buys for now; no more shoes for me for the time-being. I hope they'll all last me for a long time to come; can't imagine myself buying anymore shoes for now until... maybe Bangkok hopefully? :x


Got started on this book 2 days ago while I was waiting for our sponsor to arrive at the warehouse in ulu Changi. So far, it's been a really good and compelling read. I'm feeling much more overwhelmed as I read this, compared to when I read The Kite Runner; I guess the reason for that might be due to the author's realistic depiction of the undeserving treatment that women in places like Afghanistan receive due to the unequal status-quo in their homelands. I know I've been brought up in a totally different manner from the characters in the story, but, I really do feel for the female characters in the book (so far). Words cannot describe how thankful I am for not being subjected to such unequal & harsh treatment, for being born into a vastly different environment compared to theirs.

To end this post with, here's what I wore some days back:


I'm trying to work the 淑女 look this semester, and I think this works pretty well, don't you think? Haha. Okay, I was totally kidding about the 淑女 part, but I do want to stop dressing like a slop to classes this semester, and hopefully, from now onwards. So, I will stop wearing denim shorts and singlets to lessons (as much as possible). Besides, it's really quite fun to dress up!

ps. Jenny, don't worry the sandals are totally new; I haven't wore them out of our room yet. I never dirty the room yet, and I've been a good girl while you were gone.
pps. meaning, I never bring boys home!


G said...

Like that say lah... Later people think I super anal about cleanliness lah...! hahaha!

see you next week girl,

"ni2 hao3 xiang4 bian4 chio le4.."


aj said...

you are the best roomie i've ever had leh! where got anal!

wah kns! can i delete ur comment? or u edit urself!!! irritating

aj said...

i miss you a lot leh... see you soon hor!

G said...

hahaha same same. See you soon.. maybe in an hour's time! hahahaha.

chio leh....

(omg i sound ah lian... but then again, you've never met the real ah lian before. hahaha!)

It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...