Thursday, April 8, 2010


Saw these underwater pictures here and I think they are really beautiful. You can find more of them here if you're interested.

I was really happy to be greeted by some old, musty smells when I walked into a few second-hand bookshops at Bras Basah this afternoon. I guess I'm not alone in my 'book-smelling fetish' since they have products like THIS wtfomg! There were great (though super messy) collections of second-hand books; & so much enjoyment in walking around the shelves (and shelves and shelves) of colourful books, craning my neck to read the titles on the spines, and finally, picking horizontally laid ones up to reveal even more wonderful books underneath. I don't know how other people feel when they buy books (from second-hand sources) that they've been meaning to read for the longest time, but I feel like I've just discovered treasure; excited and all-ready to bury my mind and start on yet another new fiction/non-fiction journey.

Today, I got myself a copy of Eat, Pray, Love for $6(!) that's in a rather good condition. Have not started on it yet; my SgE textbook is what I've been reading on my train journeys these days, but I'm looking forward to reading that.

On a more random note, I found a quaint little shop in a corner on the 2nd floor (that I really like) selling pretty notebooks, lomographic postcards, quirky film cameras and really nostalgic tin toys.

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