Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The title doesn't sound all that sexy, but people sure love me for that! Audrey and Rongster can attest to that. In the short 15 minutes that we spent at the wooden benches outside one of the art-rooms on the basement level, I got 5 (and counting) stings all over my arms and legs. Just by me sitting around and not doing anything (oh right, maybe that's the problem), the girls managed to effectively deflect all the damned mosquitoes - because they all came for me instead. The girls were really sweet to me after; Audrey helped me draw circles around the bites; took pictures of my *ahem* trotters and posted them onto Facebook, and Rongster offered me her medicated oil to stop the itching. Everybody say 'awww...' 

On an ending note, I really hate how much of a mosquito-magnet I am.

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