Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I (do not) take seriously

Over time and experiences, I guess I've more or less come to decide on what are the things in life (mine, that is) that ought to be taken more seriously than others. 

To first illustrate, I don't take some of the things that some people (with dicks -oops- especially) say too seriously these days because I learnt that is a good way to avoid disappointment or heartbreaks. Adding on to that, I don't think I take promises made by the same flippant people too seriously too. 

Lying used to be considered as one of the deadliest boo-hoos on my great list of boo-hoos, but now, I don't think I'd even get angry when I find out that I had been lied to; I find it amusing instead. Today, when I thought about the stories that someone had cooked up to cover up for something that totally needn't be a lie, I only wondered why did that person bother to think up such wonderful stories when it didn't really matter if he was telling the truth or not. 
*Hm. I think I might have just gotten the answer to my own question: it doesn't matter because I'm not being taken too seriously as well. Ah well.

People who can't take me seriously. Sorry, I believe in reciprocal relationships.

People who cannot be serious when they need to be. Have you tried working with one of them? If not, I hope you'll never have to.

People who are way too serious. They need to learn to take a joke and smile/laugh more.

Commited romantic relationships. Sure, they're nice, and they make you feel all fuzzy inside from time to time but that all that unhealthy dependance and remember the first point I made? I'll pass for now.

I don't expect my list to be very similar to everyone else's, but I think it's been useful for me so far. Helps me maintain a 拿得起, 放得下 attitude in life towards most things and I guess that's why I always look so cheerful?

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