Friday, December 2, 2011

#5 Dreams

Talking about dreams here in the sleeping sense; as opposed to the aspirations' sort.

I've heard a saying that says dreams are a result of one not working hard enough in the day; that's why our minds wander when we are in deep slumber. If this saying happens to be true, then I've probably never worked that hard in my entire life since I have dreams more often than not for as long as I can remember.

When I was much younger, I dreamt that I had super-powers, that I was constantly being chased by something or someone evil (resulting in me leaping off long flights of steps), that I walked together with dinosaurs, etc. There was one time where I even dreamt that I was 3-months pregnant - this particular one freaked me out quite badly in the dream. And I've had dreams that made me sob in my sleep too; those generally have to do with my family; I dreamt that all my family members turned to stone when I was 10. Found out that I wet the pillow quite badly later when I woke up.

These days, I dream of happier things and times, though some of them can get pretty weird and awkward still. I've met my dream guy(s) in a couple of dreams too, though I can not put names to those faces, not for now anyway - Jenny laughed at me when I told her about it.

And just last night, I dreamt that Dad bought YF and I the cutest Maltese puppy (ever!) from a pet-shop in Hougang but we had it changed to another cute Dachshund instead after agreeing that the hair would be easier to manage. It's never going to happen in real life though, because both Mumsy and Dad are not animal-lovers and they collectively agreed that they would release whatever dog/cat we bring back home into the wild :(

Anyhow, I really enjoy the dreams I'v been having so far. Most of them anyway.
They somehow seem to make sleep a little less boring for me.

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