Saturday, December 3, 2011

Queen Street walkabout

Let's take a break from all the overseas pictures that I've been posting, and look at something that's more familiar.

Sometime back, I bought a Groupon voucher for a travel photography workshop at Fortune Centre. The workshop took place some few weeks back and it seemed to be quite a hit, judging from the number of people who turned up for it. The facilitator shared a fair bit of tips on photography and travel-related photography issues that were really useful and interesting; and made me look at travel photography in a whole new different perspective - e.g. drivers/guides can also double up as photography subjects, creating your own puddles for reflection shots. He showed some ways that we can make pictures work when conditions aren't perfect - which is basically most of the time.

The facilitator also cleared a big misconception that most people have about travel photography (me included); it doesn't necessarily have to be about photographs taken while overseas. Instead, travel photography is more of a documentation of things or people that one comes across while on a journey from one point to another; say from Jurong to Kallang - point is, it doesn't even have to be overseas.

We had an outdoor shooting session, so here are some of the pictures that were taken during our short walkabout:

#1 Red walls that surround Sri Krishnan Temple

#2 Colourful deity statues of the temple against some HDB flats

#3 Not alone

#4 Up and down; directions of the gazes of the child and the lady.

#5 Matching green; tourist who has something in common with the statue of Hanuman.


#7 Kwan Im Temple; forced to seek shelter at the dried-goods market opposite due to sudden rain.


#9 I just realized I've never been on a trishaw in Singapore.

#10 Uh oh, tourist doesn't look too amused here

#11 Fruit stall at the back-entrance of Bugis Street

#12 Garish!

#13 Making pancakes

#14 Loads of touristy memorabilia for sale 

#15 I do.

#16 Chwee kueh from the hawker centre. On a side note, I just declared to Bun that my favourite food is chye por yesterday. Not too sure if that counts as proper food though.

#17 Drenched

#18 Uninterrupted

#19 Juices for you?

#20 Yes I just realized I like to take pictures of motorbikes too.

#21 Those shot-to-death spiral stairs

#22 A mini 4-faced Buddha shrine.

#23 Signs, aren't we all big fans of them.

#24 Colourful back alley

#25 Yes, 5 Xs - we get the point.

#26 Bubble-blowing bunny that looks slightly evil with those red eyes

#27 Reflection of the Old Girl

#28 Colourful chrysanthemums; I think these might have been artificially coloured.

On hindsight, I've walked past these places so many times in my life that I've lost count but I've never really stopped to take a clearer look at the things that make up these places. I guess now will be a good time for me to start revisiting these places, and catch up on what I've been missing out on all this while.

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