Saturday, February 4, 2012

#8 My favourite internet friend

B1. We haven't been meeting up much lately; it's been more than a year really, but I truly enjoy hearing stories about his travel adventures and what-nots when we finally do meet. What's more, I get to fiddle with his cool vintage camera when he brings it out! I suppose the main reason why he's my favourite internet friend is because of some of our common interests; and also, I can't think of any other internet friend right now :x

It looks like he's been supar busy for the past god-knows-how-long, I hope he's coping well with his bunch of kids and work, and I have no idea when it'll be but I look forward to catching up with him again soon!

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...