Monday, September 29, 2008

East Coast Kid

I can't be any more thankful that I live in the east when I've to head down to ECP 2 days in a row for different events; urban skating organised by SMUXtremists and windsurf's weekly training!

Wasted my recess week away; procrastination (& more procrastination) and nothing done. Boo, I'm super regretting it. Serves me right for getting distracted so easily, I'm sure.

Enough of whining. 

2 nights ago, I caught a rather interesting documentary on National Geographic. It touched on transgenderism in different cultures and 'transition' operations. In Samoa, fa'fafines (male cross-dressers) are accepted for who they are in the Samoan society. Most of these fafas are appointed female roles in their families (for there may be too many boys in a family); be it housekeeping, child-raising, or anything else related. From young, they are raised as girls. These fafas have day jobs (teachers too!) and from what I got off the net, they're usually the best employees one can find.

The documentary got me really fixated on the topic of transgenderism; or maybe, I just got really amazed by the determination of people who decide to go for sex-change operations. They have the belief that they are trapped in the wrong bodies, and go through so much; be it physical or emotional just to right that wrong. I used to think everything's about choices, but seriously, I don't think they could choose the gender they were born into. And I don't think they'd have chosen to go through all that pain and humilation if they could do without all of it just to be happy.

Certain things are just pre-planned in a way, I guess. 

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...