Tuesday, May 4, 2010


As we grow older, we tend to lose track of the frivolous thoughts we had as children; innocuous thoughts that were shared with the closest of friends. A multitude of new sights, sounds, smells and tastes flood our minds to replace the spaces once meant for storing these naive and laughable thoughts as time passes by, and we cannot help but forget about them when responsibilities start piling up.

Once in a while though, you get to revisit these thoughts in the most (un)expected circumstances; for example, chatting with a much younger cousin and having her tell you the exact same thing you'd have told a close friend when you were 15. Saying something like... "I'll get married when I'm 25" in the most serious of tones, seems to be a default 15 year-old girl kinda thing. How cute. Fast-forward a few years and what now?

I have the not-so-sudden realization that I'd be nearly 25 when I finally graduate from university; I don't have nearly enough savings, I haven't met the man of my dreams (literally; I've once dreamt of him and told G about it! No clue who that poor chap is though), and I haven't seen as much of the world as I'd like, to want to tie myself down. Am I just going to exchange all the freedom in the world just to fulfill this frivolous thought I once had? No. Was I being unrealistic? Yes. What the hell was I thinking when I was 15?!

Right now, as I'm saying all these, marriage is the last thing on my mind. What is keeping my mind occupied instead, are the possible trips in the upcoming semestral breaks, graduating with decent grades and to finally start teaching. If it's possible, I would even like to get out of the country and teach elsewhere for a long period of time. I'm really happy for all these general outline 'plans' that I've come up with for myself because they keep me motivated on a day-to-day basis, but who knows, 10 years down the road I might just be guffawing at myself again for all these unrealistic plans.

Change; that's what makes us look back and laugh at ourselves.
I'll remember to update this space in 10 years.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...