Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet-ups & windsurf!

I've been trying to meet as many friends as I can ever since I got back from Penang last week (in other words, food and more food); I'm going to miss everyone since the next time I'll see you guys will be at least a month later!

At Miss Clarity's with three pretty ladies for lunch...

Then we moved onto Food for Thought for desserts; I've been coming back quite a bit for this cream cheese red velvet cake, not because it's super duper nice but because it's red and I like it! Now I feel so bimbotic for saying that ha.

We also had the Peach Crumble-something... loved the crust! & raisins...

Played L4D2 with the girls, that was my first; and you probably guessed right, we were shrieking over the mics more than half the time & laughing away really loudly. Let's go play again before TA starts!

Met G the next day at Bugis (fast becoming my favourite hang-out place when I'm not in school), and I was really mean; kept teasing her about the '10-days supplementary English camp' for non-English majors. We shopped, we caught up and filled each other in with what's happening in our lives. I think I'm going to miss her badly next semester...

Met up with Doug Saturday evening for tau huay, and a new friend on Sunday for breakfast; we talked a fair bit about travel... and teaching (since we're fellow teachers). I love travel-talk! I enjoy hearing what people have to say of their travel experiences, and wouldn't mind sharing mine if they're interested to know more. Doug told me what it was like in Bangkok when the Red Shirts just started getting violent last month; he's just plain lucky to come home safe la. 

Made my way down to ECP after; having not surfed for the past one month at least. Mingle's sold the set of equipment that he's loaned to me for the past god-knows-how-long, so I'll need to assemble a new set (of sail rig) when I get back. Uncle Tan's been nothing but helpful; he's offered to help me find a mast that's suitable for the sail that I'll be buying, and even has a suitable boom for me in mind already! I'm extremely thankful for a mentor like him, and I think everyone else is too. Speaking of everyone else, exams have been keeping everyone away and I was really happy to see them at training, even though the guys were busy making fun of me mostly. & I think I'm starting to behave like them, I can be like a brother to almost every male there who I know; they don't treat me like a girl wtf! 

It was practically breeze-less when everyone's just arrived, but the wind picked up a little later and I managed to sail for 1 full hour with the 5m sail before I decided that I needed to rest my arms. Went out again but used a junior's 3.5m this time round. I don't know if it's because I'm so used to using the harness, or if it's been too long since I last sailed, that I cannot last as long as before! Anyway, even though I couldn't go fast on the big, fat board, I'm still very happy that I managed to ride some waves; so happy that I started grinning to myself while cruising along hehe.

I am happy because I have the sea.
Are you happy too?

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...