Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I visited my favourite uncle from TP; and found out that... ... someone got a promotion lor, got his own room already lor, hao lian his Agnes B wallet, some more going to Greece in August somemore lor... ...hehe okay I know I am being very annoying with the lors (but please note that everything was said in jest; I love my favourite uncle!). We had a quick late-lunch at Design canteen, & the Muslim food tasted as good as it did 2 years ago. Caught up, and he updated me about some of the changes that were going to take place within the school; new F&B outlets, new extension for the sports complex, etc.

We bade farewell after he'd walked me back to where I parked the car, and I headed over to the my favourite swimming pool in Singapore. Did 20 laps (and panted like mad) before I got out of the water, washed up and drove down to TPJC to pick B1 up. We got me a new camera from Funan and... had Indian food after!

What a great, great way to kick-start the week!

ps. now I'm $1103 poorer.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...