Thursday, September 9, 2010

how to castrate a piglet

Mumsy, Dad and I were watching <<特写>>; on telly earlier and tonight's episode featured some local housing estates in the 50-70s. In their former glorious days, vast fields of crops grew in place of the ugly concrete buildings that we have now and families lived in kampungs. People didn't depend on these places for merely residential purposes but trade activities were also carried out extensively all the time. Some old, scratchy pictures with faded corners were flashed on screen, among which was a picture of a pig farmer and his pigs.

Then, Dad asked Mumsy if her family used to rear pigs back in the old days; she said yes and the both of them started reminiscing the good old pig-rearing days. He went on to describe how little pigs were castrated before they started displaying aggressive sexual behaviour. In detail. To numb its nuts, salt/soot (okay I couldn't clearly make out what he said) and kerosene would be rubbed on them before the castration act. I hope you're not wincing too much as you're reading this (especially if you're a guy). The piglet's hind legs should be held down firmly on the ground so that they wouldn't kick around too much. Another person who is holding onto the knife will grab hold of the piglet's testicles and slice them off quickly. Loud squealing and resistance will ensue and it will be a bloody scene. Once they have been sliced off, use a thick needle to sew up the open wound. And there you have it, how to castrate a piglet.


I was wincing throughout Dad's description and I found it kinda sad that most of them had to become eunuchs by default. Only one lucky male pig of a herd will get to retain his manhood for future mating purposes. 

Anyhow, Mum had an uncle who was always doing the castration for the little piglets. Later on, his two wives gave birth to only baby girls and no boys; he blamed it on... what else but karma. Ha.

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