Wednesday, April 4, 2012

my favourite hang-out

When lessons end early on weekdays, I like to come here for a nice cup of Yoguru and read a book or something because parking's free in the mall for the first hour. And the place's really empty so it's nice and quiet. Probably not that quiet when there's a bunch of secondary school kids two tables away from you, but still quiet compared to most other malls!

After windsurfing during the weekends, I stop by sometimes too. 
Unfortunately, free parking doesn't apply to weekends so I'll usually park the car at the open-space car park, rush into the mall to get my fro-yo and hurry back into the car before the summon auntie can issue me any parking ticket. Then I'll sit in the car, blast the air-con, turn on some music and enjoy the yummy fro-yo.

Not that hard to tell when was that picture taken eh? 
I was so tired that day...

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