Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back to school

The long-awaited day is finally here; can't tell you how glad I am that school has finally started, I've more or less had enough of the idling about. First English lecture that I've been to was rather interesting; our lecturer let us watch the audition clip of Susan Boyle on America's Got Talent during the last few minutes of the lecture and we tried to make out the underlying meanings of Simon Cowell's parts of speech.

For Math lecture, we were given a brief introduction to the ancient Hindu-Arabic, Mayan and Babylonian counting systems. It was quite fun too. First time I'm taking a Math module in more than a year; let's hope I'll be able to enjoy the subject as much as I used to!

It was great meeting up with so many school-mates; we sat in our usual lecture theatre seats and caught up little by little over the lectures, joined the long queues to get our textbooks from the bookshop.

My new room is great, so is my new roomie. After a round of tedious cleaning-up, the room's finally fit for living. The last occupant of the room was filthy, leaving the remnants of her meals all over the table; and I was really scared shitless that she'd be my roomie. Anyhow, I'm bent on keeping the room clean and conducive for studying.

Zouk tonight with Shiqi and SX... speaking of which, I CAN'T FIND MY NEW DANCING HEELS! So annoyed with myself for not remembering where I last placed it urgh. WHY I SO LIKE THAT?

Okay, enough ranting, I need to go get some tutorials done now!

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...