Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A bunch of whiners.

I hate to say this but I think majority of us are just that.

I've observed that we can be complaining about anything and everything you can think of; oh, the weather's too hot, my boyfriend or girlfriend's not sweet enough, all my lectures are so boring, my timetable sucks, the canteen food sucks, why am I so fat (guilty as hell), why are the lecture theatres so far away, why doesn't anyone understand me and so on and so forth.

There seems to be no end to all that you can nitpick on in life, our own lives specifically. I want to believe that it's something that we've all come to do naturally in a subconcious manner (as a matter of influence from the people around you) rather than something that we're doing because we actually enjoy doing that; having nothing good to say about everything that's happening.

When we do whine a lot, I realized that's when we're just being really self-centred. We expect the world to revolve around us, people to understand what we're complaining about (same thing over again), things to happen according to our standards and when things don't go our way, what happens? We start doing the whole damned thing all over again.

When we do whine a lot, I also realized (only lately) that it's a form of releaasing the little pent-up frustration we have in us and it actually feels good. But what I don't think we realize is that, sometimes, it's kind of annoying for the people who listen to us yabber on and on. I mean, come to think of it, you had a long and tiring day, having someone to grouse about their day too can only makes you feel more miserable than you already are, no?

So... instead of focusing on things that aren't really to our liking since you'll only find more of them in time to come, why don't we start focusing and acknowledging the good stuff too? As for the things that you don't really like, well, do something about it instead of complaining all the time! I honestly think our lives will be much happier this way, and the world will be a nicer place to wake up to if we just give that a try.

But if you choose to insist that your life will still be sad/miserable/sucky/emo/shitty even after you've done something about it (when you really haven't), then too bad for you, I guess you're probably better off living your sad/miserable/sucky/emo/shitty life.

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