Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Night at the museum with the family.

Presentation of scholarships and sponsorships by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) tonight at the National Museum; we were there because YF's one of the recipients. It's the first time in quite a long while since all four of us got together for anything; Mum & Dad must've been extremely proud of YF to take time off for this.

mumsy and dad; dad smiles funny and the both of us smile like him.

Dad bumped into a few of his ex-colleagues, ex-mentors, etc there and was chatting away happily with them. I asked Mumsy in a mock-surprise tone, "oh wow, Dad actually has friends?" I'm not trying to be mean, but if you know my Dad, you'll know that he hardly hangs out with his friends because all he does is work all-day long... and when he's not working, he "talks" to the plants at home. On the car, he was explaining the rationale behind looking after the plants; luck will come when the plants flower... yeah yeah.

proud of you, little bro. study hard, hope it'll be a meaningful journey for you.

Right. So there you have it, night out for the family of seafarers!

ps. I'm looking forward to the new semester!

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