Thursday, August 6, 2009

Older... and feeling it.

In the most impromptu fashion on Tuesday night, Chaihong asked some of the surfers out go Zouk for ladies' night the next day. In the name of fun and spontaneity, SX, Titus and me agreed. I haven't been to the club in the longest time; and with the re-opening of Butter Factory, people have been saying that there'd be much of a lesser queue for Phuture. What rubbish. People turned up by the orientation groups; and you'd see one/two persons queueing up, only to be joined by a dozen more people later.

I spotted a BIG group of people from the NTU Sports Camp, and the rest of the gang spotted various classmates and schoolmates from their faculties. There were just university students everywhere in there. I couldn't identify with more than half the music being played all the way till 1.15a.m.; and that pretty much sucked because I had to leave one hour later. SX let me have the Flaming Lambo that was supposedly Shiqi's (she wasn't able to join us), and a few apple shooters later, I could feel my heart thump to the unfamiliar music played.

It was a lot of fun; I can't dance to R&B for nuts but I think SX's "dance like no one's watching" helped, hur. I must've made a great fool out of myself, but seriously, who is going to give a shit? What happens in the club, stays in the club.

We left just as the music picked up at two-ish, because I had to drive Little Red for it's thousand klick servicing next morning at 9.30 a.m. Really sorry I made you guys leave with me; hope we won't have to leave so early the next time round.

Anyway, my legs were sore by the time I reached home last night. I can't remember them aching so much the last time I clubbed so... I guess age must really be catching up with me! I seriously wonder how people are able to take it, hitting the clubs Wednesdays after Wednesdays and going to work/school early morning the next day.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...