Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Lo Hei of the lunar new year


Met up with KTOWY peeps at Pearl River Palace (Suntec City) last night for our annual reunion dinner. I was really happy to catch up with everyone, and this must've been the first time where EVERYONE's present. ZZ's back from Ontario, Limin's not off flying, and even Cheng Xuan made it down.

all of us, minus ZZ cos she had to run.

It's been like, close to 10 years that we'd first met in CCHS. We've all grown up so damned much, that we're now talking about buying 4D and Toto instead of where to head to for bowling or pool sessions after classes. I wonder what we'll be talking about another 10 years down the road; careers, children maybe?

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to CNY this year. Mum just called to tell me YF's passed his driving practical; so he can get to do all the driving for the house-visits while I can take a rest! Was totally not in the mood for any tutorial discussion during Ludwig's tutorial today; not to mention that I've embarrassed myself not once, but twice, in his presence. Bah.

Huat ah!

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...