Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Contentment 101


Is it really better to want what you have than to have what you want?

It's so easy to tell someone to be happy with what they have when you look at it from the perspective of an outsider, but when you look at yourself, you realize that it's not that easy after all; there's just too many clothes/shoes/books/shoes to buy, achieve, etc.

When you do not work a little harder to go beyond what you have (because you are actually content with the way things are and not because you are lazy), people judge you for your lack of ambition and label you as a good-for-nothing. When you strive really hard and go all-out to achieve something that you really desire, they say you are overbearing and domineering.

If you're like me, you might probably be thinking 'striking a balance' as key here... and once again, that's something that's so easy to say but difficult to put into action.

If you're not like me, then you must definitely be thinking why the hell am I even talking about this right now. meh.

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