Thursday, July 23, 2009

And so I turn 21

To be dead honest, it didn't feel very different from the 20th... Not that i'd have it any differently. No big party because I really suck at entertaining so many groups of people simultaneously. I chose to have dinners instead; first up the durian buffet with the primary school clique, and then with my family at Conrad. Will be having dinner with the KTOWY gang tonight, and Ham's dinner appointment should be fixed sometime soon. Is it any surprising that I'm celebrating with food? Not really hmm..

And I did something that i've always wanted to do on my 21st. I got inked; and I almost couldn't believe I was finally getting it done until the tattooist placed the stencil onto my body. It was slightly more painful when he did the outlining, and the colouring was really a lot less painful. Will post up a picture or two and talk more about it soon.

Headed down to JB for a walkabout with some of the windsurfers yesterday, and I think the place is so much more developed than i'd imagined it to be. Little wonder why so many singaporeans are flocking there every weekend for the cheap groceries and fresh seafood feasts.

ps. there's something wrong with blogger; the posting page's all jumbled up. Is it only my browser, or are you guys having the same problem too?

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...