Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random & Random


I polished off two little boxes of cherry tomatoes in the past two days, and I think I found the perfect healthy night-time snack. I love it when the cherry tomatoes split right in the middle as I bite into them and the slimy (for lack of a better word) contents spurt out in my mouth. Yums.


Headed down to MOF at Marina Square on Saturday after windsurfing with David and Lijun, and I ordered the sashimi bento in the picture above. I just wanted to put a picture of it because it's just so colourful! Anyway, I think it's great for lazy bums like me who sometimes find the need to cut/mix your rice and the dishes a chore. I liked it.


We were playing around with the colour swap function in my camera and we decided to make ourselves look fairer! I think David underwent the biggest colour change hur. Anyway, the macha shake in the picture is delicious! The green tea & ice-cream combination works quite well together; it doesn't end up cloyingly-sweet like most other shakes.

Two more days of lesson observations and I'm done with secondary school, hopefully!

It's getting really boring for me now because of the classes that I've been assigned to; so far a secondary four Express stream class, and a secondary five Normal Academic stream class; both preparing for O Levels and Prelims. Mostly, it's just going through comprehension passages so there's not much teaching going on. I was really looking forward to the secondary one Drama classes because I believe it'd be much more helpful and interesting, so you can probably imagine my disappointment when I learnt today that drama classes are cancelled because of social distancing. I ended up watching Coraline and Confessions of a Shopaholic in the trainee teachers' room.

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