Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dreams come to me rather naturally. I've had a number of interesting conversations with friends about dreams and you guys probably have heard some of them before; it is said that dreams that take place in colour are less likely to come true than those that happen in black and white (definitely don't sound like there's any scientific backing behind it, but what the heck, anything goes in here okay), 日有所思,夜有所梦 (i wonder how true this is too), and of course, the 'theory' that you probably haven't worked your mind to exhaustion if you're having dreams all the time (hello me).

When dreams do come true, I often pause in my steps to think about when did I have that particular dream. Deja Vu's pretty freaky in some instances, but in others, it seems like things are being put into place by some great force from up above, don't you think? 

The most prominent dream in my memory must've been the one I had in Primary 4. Back at the old place, it was a Sunday morning and I was lying on mum and dad's bed. I still remembered how warm and nice it was, the sunlight spilled nicely onto the bed and I could feel the rays on my body as I laid in the most comfortable position. You'd probably end up laughing at what I have to say, but yeh, my family came under some evil spell/curse or whatever idea you may have along that line, and they turned to stone. Mum & Dad wouldn't respond to me no matter how hard I shook them and Yf too, their eyes remained closed on their cold, rocky faces. I was overwhelmed with grief and my mum made me wake up from it and asked, "why are you crying in your sleep?" Thank goodness I had the dream once and only once (some of my dreams repeat themselves, and some go on like drama serials for days, do yours?).

In other dreams, I'd be flying, or leaping off flights of steps when people (some bad egg) started chasing after me, there'd be dinosaurs, hopping vampires (think old-school chinese movies), secret gardens, missions and expeditions with friends, crushes or celebrities. I once dreamt that I was stuck on an island with Chen Xiao Dong (if you know who that is), and just to clarify, I wasn't a fan or anything like that, I don't even know how he could've ended up in there.

Last night, it was a dream about someone confessing to me. The evening sun looked peachy and the breeze felt just right on our skins, we were really far away from everyone, alone on a beach. It couldn't have got any more honest, the way things were put across by the other party. I was touched by the words, made a decision as I took a few steps towards that person with arms stretched out and...................... I forgot the ending.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...