Friday, July 16, 2010

Lunch boxing

taken with my iPhone Hipstamatic app

I've been preparing my own lunch-boxes daily two days after practicum first started last week. Mumsy's been telling me almost everyday that I should just buy my lunch from the school canteen, but, I really enjoy cutting up ingredients, listening to the "tok, tok" sounds made when the knife hits the chopping board, busying myself with more cutting while waiting for food to be boiled/steamed/fried, and finally, arranging the food in a presentable manner. Heck, I even don't mind the washing for once in my life!

Of course, this probably has everything to do with my desire to lose weight, again. I was determined to avoid the 'bad carbs' when I started out; that means no rice, no pasta, no noodles or pasta in my lunch-box, and so far, I've been doing well. It's hard to go completely carbo-less though, especially when I'm having breakfast/dinner with my parents at hawker centres; I can't think of any other dishes without significant portions of carbohydrates apart from popiah and rojak (help, anyone?).

I thought I felt the post-effects of the changes in my diet kinda quickly. The first few days were actually quite bad; I felt so lethargic when work ended that I had to take super long afternoon naps after I got home from school. It got better afterwards, I'm less tired now than I originally was (shorter naps :p). But really, it could just be a placebo effect, right?

In any case, I hope to keep this lunch-box + dieting thing up, and with some daily crunches, finally have a flat tummy and less flabby arms soon!


Anonymous said...

wah! You wake up earlier every day to do that?! I really salute you.... Lol!


aj said...

no... i sleep later to prepare it. hahah

It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...