Sunday, July 4, 2010

New people.

I become a social retard when I (am forced to) meet new people; usually friends of friends under the most unexpected circumstances. Okay I shall not be too general here, maybe more like people whom I cannot connect with (i.e. zero common interest). And when these situations take place, I'll do what I do worst, smile and possibly ask gibberish questions related to their lives, when I'm not even the least bit interested, just to prevent awkward moments of silence. The ironic thing is, it seems to get even more awkward when I do things like that; I hope I haven't been displaying my lack of interest that blatantly. Or maybe I have been doing just that, hence the uninterested replies. Blah. 

At times like that, I feel like a fake. A complete phony. 

And at times like that, I take my hat off to the sort of social butterflies who have no problems moving their conversations from person-to-person round a table. I don't mean it in a sarcastic way; I mean, at least they don't appear unfriendly or make you feel uncomfortable what.


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