Monday, March 9, 2009

Good wind and more arm power please!

Training felt especially good today; despite the super gross (understatement I tell you) muddy sea bed we were stepping on right before we launched. Every step that I had to take was as disgusting as could be. Anyway, I haven't seen so many people at the sea sports centre since... only god knows when; there were 3 groups taking courses. There weren't enough boards to go around, so I shared a long board with Lao Ben (haven't seen him ever since he started popping classes) and we used a 5m sail. Lots of balancing problems initially but when I finally got it, managed to skim through the waters rather quickly on the long board.

It's been about half a year since I've picked up windsurfing; it took me this long to finally truly enjoy the thrill of it all. I still remember the first few trainings where I did nothing but try to stand upright only to find myself falling over, & how ecstatic I was when I finally got my sorry ass out of the bay for the first time ever, tears spilled over my very first race and stuff like that. Probably wouldn't be able to say something like that if I'd decided to just leave after the first few sessions, thankfully I didn't.

Sometimes, we don't stick around long enough to learn how to enjoy certain things in life. But how will you determine whether something is worth sticking around for? The pleasure you derive from it? The people in it? It's so hard to come to a decision; I've been debating about it for a long time now, if you even know what I'm talking about. The only thing that's holding me back? The people.

I'm feeling a little tired right now; body's aching and there seems to be a few newly acquired bruises on me too. But I'm so happy, and I'm so thankful. That I'm well enough to be doing all these things that I'm doing right now!

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