Monday, March 8, 2010

7-day recess...

the little piece of wall right above my bed. taken with new fisheye lens.

It was not so much of a recess for me, and maybe you too. The last few days of it went by quicker than usual, and sent me into a state of panic; two assignments due once school started again and I was not that near to completion. One will discover her sense of (remarkable) efficiency when faced with the extreme pressures coming from impending deadlines.

Right now, I'm just glad they're over. A few more deadlines to meet over the next two weeks, and then month... and 2 more papers to sit for and... it's holidays! give me two claps for my positivity tyvm.

ps. G trimmed my fringe for me again today; and told me she'll give me dolly-bangs the next time I get her to do it. Bestest roomie ever. ♥


Anonymous said...

CLAP CLAP! :) will u bring me along in ur suitcase? HAHA. :)
cousinG. (;

aj said...

hahah cannot leh. buy ticket la! last time got two little boys go hide in luggage and want to fly in the luggage before, luckily got ppl find out, if not will die one leh!

It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...