Thursday, March 25, 2010

about credibility.

There's this one lecturer in school whom students seem to love finding fault with; lecture slides are too wordy, reading off slides, delivery of lessons super long-winded, never ending on time for tutorials, never able to finish all the questions in tutorials etc.

While I was in one of her tutorial classes last semester, she would never fail to bring up the point of her proficiency in Malay language and extremely limited language capability in Mandarin, EVERY.SINGLE.TUTORIAL.SESSION. According to her, she's so good in Malay that she's able to 'write entire papers in Malay' (almost verbatim), and her Mandarin's so atrocious that she can only read/write her own name in Mandarin, and is unable to hold a decent conversation in Mandarin. That's the point that she appears to be bringing across to everyone at least, her Mandarin is simply downright hopeless.

Yesterday, Aud (in an extremely bad mood) saw her on her phone while walking along the corridor, and she was talking to the person on the other end of the line in Mandarin. I thought that it was quite funny that she was 'caught' doing something that she's always denied she's capable of. Granted, she may have made some exaggerations about her examples in lectures/tutorials, and not everyone's got a good impression of her... but really, the hypocrisy! At the very least, she shouldn't have made everyone believe that she CMI in Mandarin what.

Okay la, what I've offered you so far is a very skewed perception of her. In her defense, while not everyone has good things to say about her teaching style, I guess she's well aware of the bad things that people are saying, and she can't possibly not be, with the feedback that she's elicited with her current tutorial group. I say, give her some credit for acknowledging that she's doing some things wrong, & let's hope that she'll really work on them and right those wrongs.

I don't feel good bitching about her teaching all the time these days, no one's perfect after all.

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