Thursday, March 18, 2010

(No) School today

I have the knack of getting myself into the most awkward situations and I cannot make reasonable explanations for myself fast enough on the spot when people ask about them; I think people think I'm weird mostly, for that reason.

Made my way down to school for my only lesson of the day, and realized there's no lesson. It's the third time this week; and... I cannot stand myself for my forgetfulness! Argh!

And as this entry is being typed, I realized I tend to blog a lot whenever I'm nervous about things, say assignment deadlines for example. I have three deadlines due tomorrow (one of which is settled), and I'm not nearly done with them yet, but I keep telling myself I'll be more productive once I'm done blogging (though to be fair, I can focus better once I get blog entries off my mind).

This is my 3rd post of the day, kill me or something. Now.

ps. In my dream last night, someone told me that all guys lie about their marital status one point or other in time.


ILA said...

hi chang..happen to open my blog and saw your msg. quite sometimes a go i think. haha. and im not too sure where to leave drop-by message in your blog, and so I use this comment section. heez.

aj said...

lalalala i miss you! can you give me a hug now? :(

It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...