Saturday, March 13, 2010



I can think of no other better way to end things once and for all the way I did this afternoon even if you may think it's immature.

With the misdeeds done; what comes after are...
- guilt that you will come to bear for the longest time,
- realization of your own stupidity when you see a possibility of things not only affecting yourself, but also the people around you badly,
- self-hate for not sticking to your principles,
- self-acknowledgment of your mistakes,
- willingness to accept punishment for your dirty deeds,
- hope that no one ever, ever finds out about it,
- a desire to confront partner-in-crime (PIC) angrily for leading you onto things,
- yet another understanding that it takes two hands to clap,
- an understanding of what your PIC ideas of right & wrong are and how starkly they contrast with yours in the face of extremities,
- putting a complete halt on potential similar misdeeds.

& most importantly, an awareness that the same mistake should not be repeated in all circumstances.

It's really over, let's just both get on with our lives.

I'm sure this entry will most likely be meaningless to most. Nobody assumes anything that you are not sure of; clarification will not be provided. Person referred to will not see this, ever, so no assuming.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...