Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6. Blurred lights

first bokeh
my very first

I've been really fascinated with bokeh shots ever since I came to know about them. Somehow, these colourful balls of lights never fail to put a smile on my face; might be the colours, might be the cuteness of them, I don't know! Decided to have a go at it, and the object that I've used this time round is the paper star lamp that hangs in my hall room.

Took a few more test shots with varying apertures. I know they're all very raw; but I still hope you guys will enjoy them. Right, so here goes!

auto-focus; no particular setting for this one. Just to show how it'd look like in a normal shot.

aperture 5
set the lens to manual focus, turned the knob to Av on my 30D, and 5 was the lowest aperture I could go with my kit lens.

aperture 7.1
turned the dial 3 times and increased the aperture to 7.1

aperture 10
3 more turns, and this was taken with an aperture of 10.

aperture 14
aperture 14

aperture 20
aperture 20

aperture 29
and aperture 29.

So as you probably have already noticed, the balls of light got noticeably smaller with increasing apertures. From what I've gathered on the Internet so far (not a lot actually so please correct me if you think I'm wrong), the smaller is your aperture (the hole that allows light onto your images), the bigger is the hole. Thus, small apertures allow more light into the camera. By right (& I hope I've got it right), smaller apertures yield bigger (but more blurred) balls of lights.

It was pretty fun! So do you think you like the bokeh effect too?

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