Friday, January 30, 2009

Taxi Uncle Stories

I met 2 really friendly taxi drivers yesterday. Both talked to me about guys and their lies; the first one said he "felt like punching the idiot's face for breaking up" with his daughter right before A levels, how his youngest daughter who is on exchange is infatuated with some Sri Lankan Indians in Canada right now, and how he told his daughters not to look for someone like daddy for their boyfriends or hubs.

And the second taxi uncle told me bout how it's so easy for guys (okay to be fair, it's not just a guys' thing) to make up lies; 讲骗话不用钱. And he told me about his aunty girlfriends too; how he picks them up after their mahjong sessions and go for spins early in the morning in his taxi.

Uncles and their stories, how interesting!

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...