Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Much Ado bout Nothing

I'd wanted to blog that last night was dreadful. It felt so off, I haven't been down for the longest time ever, and now that I'm back, I really didn't like what I went through. Might be the people, might be the place. There's no use pointing fingers, because it's all going to end up pointing to me. Argh. Commitments = Obligations, and I don't like what's in my face now but there's no use escaping. 

It becomes a chore, doing something that you have little passion about. And what makes it worse? Working with people you don't see eye-to-eye with. What have I gotten myself into? Fuck.

I can't wait for the semester to be over, seriously!

Anyway, here's a cute picture that was taken in Saigon.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...