Sunday, October 18, 2009

Am I finally sleeping early tonight?

All along, I've thought that I was someone who couldn't be very much bothered about what other people think about me. And I think that is how people see me too (please verify). But with all the crazy events that's happened as time went by; without referring to any particular incident, I realized that I actually care about how strangers, or mere acquaintances look at me, even though it is not enough to bother me to irritation or annoyance. I also realized that it is nearly impossible to not be affected by what they say, or the types of disapproving looks they cast upon you when you do something that they don't entirely agree with you on.

So, what you can do to continue enjoying what you are doing, is to ignore them la. They are entitled to their views, and so are you. They can continue to bitch about what you're doing, and you can also continue with whatever that is pissing them off. Hate comments? Ignore. Gossip behind your back? Ignore.

Sounds like the simplest thing to do ever; I wonder what took me so long to realize this.

ps. and yes, it's only 1.44 a.m. right now. I am sleeping early tonight.

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It was during one of those conversations where we were disagreeing again with each other's views that I got a clearer understanding of ...